Newest features in the Seal Subscriptions app
January 2023
Edit local delivery/pickup on subscriptions
We have added a functionality, which allows you to edit existing subscriptions and change it's delivery method to local delivery, local pickup or standard shipping.
December 2022
Reset schedule after requesting an invoice in customer portal
Added an option to reset the schedule after requesting an invoice in customer portal.
Retention rates
We have added retention rates table, which allows you to identify the critical points in your customers' subscription journey and figure out when and where to apply loyalty discounts.
November 2022
Statistics enhancements
We have added various enahncements for the statistics int he app, including th eability to filter the data by time period.
September 2022
Cancellation flow
You can now turn on the cancellation flow and prompt the users to select a reason for cancelling the subscription before they can cancel it. You can configure this in Settings > Cancellation flow.
August 2022
Skip renewals for subscriptions with insufficient inventory
You can now set the system to automatically skip renewals for subscriptions with insufficient inventory.
Insufficient inventory alerts
You can now turn the feature to receive a weekly notification/alert about insufficient inventory for the upcoming subscription renewals.
Tag customers with a paused subscription
You can now set the app to tag customers who have at least one paused subscription and configure whether the app should treat paused subscriptions as inactive or active subscriptions. You can configure this in Settings > General Settings > Customers.
Create auto-charging subscription rule for all products in your shop
You can now create an auto-charging subscription rule, which can be automatically applied to ALL products in your shop.
July 2022
Automatically remove shipping after the initial subscription order
You can now set the app to automatically remove the shipping costs from your subscriptions as soon as they are created. This is useful if you are running a rental business, where you charge customers for shipping only on the first purchase. You can configure this in Settings > General Settings > Shipping for auto-charging subscriptions.
June 2022
Charge customers immediately after they reactivate their subscription
You can now charge customers immediately after they reactivate or resume their susbcription. You can turn this on in Settings > Customer portal > Subscription editing. Just make sure that your customers expect to get charged immediately after reactivation.
Add custom header to the customer portal
You can now add a custom header to the customer portal in Settings > General Settings > Customer portal > Other.
May 2022
You can now set custom shipping method name & code
We added the ability to set custom shipping method code to the subscriptions. You can set this up so that the app will update it automatically or you can set it manually on each subscription separately.
Added option to clear billing schedule after clicking the "Place order now" button
You can now give the customers and option to clear their billing schedule after they click the "Place order now" button in the customer portal.
Set-up a fixed schedule for your subscriptions!
Yes, you hear that correctly. You can not set up a fixed schedule, for example, to charge your customers for quarterly subscriptions on 4th of January, 4th of April, 4th of July, etc. You can configure this in Subscription rules > Fixed schedules.
April 2022
Set the hour of the day when you want to charge your customers!
You can now set the hour of the day when you want to charge your customers. This can be configured in Settings > General Settings > Billing settings.
Allow customers to add one-time products to subscriptions!
You can now turn on the option to allow customers to add one-time products to their subscriptions. You can turn this on in Settings > General Settings > Customer portal.
Allow customers to apply discount codes!
You can now allow customers to apply discount codes on their subscriptions in the customer portal. You cane nable this in Settings > General Settings > Customer portal > Auto-charging subscriptions.
Sync SKU code changes to auto-charging subscriptions.
The app can now automatically propagate product/variant SKU changes to your subscriptions. You can turn this on in Settings > General Settings > Auto-charging subscriptions settings.
March 2022
Pause and resume subscription as admin
You can now pause and resume subscriptions directly from the app as the shop admin.
Expanded inventory forecast
We now also show inventory forecast for the next 90 days and next 180 days.
Apply bundle discounts whenever a customer edits their subscription
Yes, you heard that correctly. You can now turn on apply the bundle from Bundler - Product Bundles app automatically when customers edit products in their subsriptions. You can turn this on in Seal Subscriptions > Settings > General Settings > Customer portal!
Set quantity and properties in Quick Checkout Wizard
You can now set the quantity and custom properties for each product and additional checkout parameters in the Quick Checkout Wizard.
Use placeholders in order tags
You can now use the subscription ID and customer ID placeholders in subscription order tags.
Pause subscription, cancel subscription or skip order when the payment fails
You can now pause subscription, cancel subscription or skip order when the payment fails.
Confirm cancellations of subscriptions through admin
The app will now ask you for a confirmation beofre you cancel the subscription through app admin.
Edit shipping method name for each subscription
You can now edit the shipping method name separately for each subscription in the app.
February 2022
Set delivery method name manually
You can now edit each subscription manually and change the delivery method name on it.
Loyalty discounts
You can now give your loyal subscribers an additional discount on specific renewals. For example, give then a 25% discount on 4th, 8th and 12th subscription renewal! This can be configured in Seal Subscriptions > Loyalty.
Loyalty gifts
You can now use product swaps to add loyalty gifts to subscriptions. To do this, just create a product swap, where you add a gift product to all subscriptions after a specific payment. And to remove it, just create another swap, where you only remove the gift after the next payment!
Set custom shipping method name
You can now set a custom shipping method name for auto-charging subscription renewals. You can configure this in Settings > General Settings > Shipping for auto-charging subscriptions > Shipping method name for subscription renewals.
January 2022
Show text in place of cancellation buttons if you turned them off
To show this additional text, make sure to first turn on this option in Seal Subscriptions > Settings > General Settings > Customer portal > Subscription editing and then translate it in Seal Subscriptions > Settings > Translations > Customer portal. This text will show up if the customer either can't cancel the subscription becuse they didn't yet reach the required number of payments or if you turned off the cancellations.
Option to turn off the recurring invoice emails and an option to send a copy of invoices to your email address
You can now turn off the recurring invoice emails and instead, send them to your own email address. This is useful if you process payments through your own accounting software.
Bulk migrate subscriptions from or PayPal Express
In addition to bulk migrating subscriptions from Stripe, you can now also migrate them in bulk from and PayPal Express.
Allow customers to retry failed payments in the customer portal
Your customers can now retry the failed payments on their own through the customer portal.
Cancel, reactivate, pause and resume subscriptions through Seal Subscriptions Merchant API
You can now cancel, reactivate, pause and resume subscriptions through the Seal Subscriptions Merchant API. Read more here:
Show more subscription info popup in the widget
You can now show more subscription info in the subscription widgets.
Send customers a reminder about the upcoming recurring invoice email
You can now send your customers an email reminder a day or more before the actual email with a payment link for the invoice is sent (not available for auto-charging subscriptions). This allows them to edit the subscription before they receive the invoice.
Allow customers to request an invoice immediately
Customers can now request an invoice immediately throught the customer portal. This is useful if they edited the products in the subscription and want to get a new, updated invoice.
Customize radio buttons in subscription widgets
You can now fully customize the radio buttons used in the subscription widgets! This can be configured in Settings > General Settings > Subscription widget settings > Use custom radio buttons.
December 2021
Seal Subscriptions Merchant JavaScript API
We published documentation on how to use our JavaScript API to interact with susbcription widgets. You can access it here.
Change the order of options shown in the subscription widgets
In Seal Subscriptions > Settings > General Settings > Subscription widget settings, you can now configure the app to show subscription options above the one-time options in the subscription widgets.
Delivery profile zones
You can now set up delivery zones, which allow you to set up shipping cost per shipping country.
Show discount label/badge in auto-charging subscription widgets
You can now show the discount label/badge in the auto-charging subscription widgets.
Reschedule billing attempts via Seal Subscriptions Merchant API
The Merchant API now allows you to reschedule billing attempts.
November 2021
Get notified about the upcoming fulfillments
This feature allows you to get an email notification 24 hours before the scheduled fulfillment of the pre-paid subscription. You can turn this on in Settings -> Notifications.
Allow customers to reschedule their payments
We have added a functionality, which allows customers to reschedule their billing schedule on their own. You can turn this on in Settings -> General Settings -> Customer portal -> Subscription editing.
Added support for more variables in notification emails
You can now also use the following variables in notification emails:
- {{subscription.total_amount_formatted}}
- {{subscription.total_amount_number}}
- {{subscription.total_amount_with_delivery_formatted}}
- {{subscription.total_amount_with_delivery_number}}
Automated interval changes
The automated interval change is a very powerful functionality, which gives you more control over delivery intervals in your subscriptions and allows you to create a subscription logic, more interesting to your customers than a standard subsription model.
Here are a few ideas on what you can achieve with the automated interval change functionality:
- offer a free trial subscription (e.g. 10 days free trial, after that, the interval changes to 30 days. Read more about it below.),
- change intervals for subscriptions if you changed your business logic (e.g. change 4 week intervals to monthly interval)
Send cancellation confirmation when admin cancels a subscription
You can now also send the cancellation confirmation email to the customer even when the admin cancels the subscription in the app.
October 2021
Set how many days in advance you want to send an upcoming billing reminder email
We have added a feature, which allows you to change how many days in advance should the reminder about the upcoming billing be sent to the customer. You can now easily set the delay in Seal Subscriptions > Settings > Notifications.
Edit additional discounts on subscription
You can now edit and add additional discounts on the subscription even after it is already created.
Seal Subscriptions Merchant API
We have released a Seal Subscriptions Merchant API which allows you to retrieve info about subscriptions and create webhooks which get triggered whenever a subscription gets created or edited. You can view the documentation for the API here: We also prepared a sample API client here:
Place order immediately
You can now charge your customer immediately and place an order in your shop. If you turn on this functionality in General Settings, then your customers will be able to do the same for themselves in the customer portal.
Sync order notes, order attributes and order tags on subsequent auto-charging orders
We have added a functionality, which allows you to automatically set order notes, attributes and order tags from the initial order on subsequent auto-charging orders.
More statistic info
You can now view your growth rate, churn rate, percentage of failed subscription payments, average revenue per customer, median revenue per customer, maximum revenue per customer, average retention periodn and your historic subscription revenue!
Customer portal login form
You can now allow your customers to instantly get a magic link to your shop where they can see all of their subscriptions (not just a specific subscription). To get this link in ther email, the customers just put in an email address on the form located on /a/subscriptions/login in your shop and click the "Send link" button. You can turn on thsi functionality in General Settings of the app.
Auto-update shipping costs
The functionality which allows you to automatically update shipping costs now also allows you to manually trigger the app to recalculate shipping costs and to confgiure the app to recalcualte shipping costs whenever you edit shipping rates in your shop.
Target products in product swaps with SKU codes
Product swap functionality now also allows you to target products by variant SKU code, not just by variant IDs.
Apply discounts in product swaps
Product swap functionality now allows you to apply discounts from subscription rules on products added to subscriptions.
September 2021
Custom email domain
You can now send all subsription emails from your own domain. This is great if you want to use Seal Subscriptions as a whitelabel subscription solution!
Quick Checkout Wizard
The Quick Checkout Wizard allows you to create direct checkout links for products with selling plans. You can then send this link to your customers in email campaigns, promotions or just put it anywhere on your site.
Resend initial email from order status page
You can now turn on the feature to allow customers to resend the initial subscription email ("New Subscription email") directly from the order status page.
Payment calendar
Our Seal Subscriptions app now allows you to view completed, pending, scheduled, failed and skipped payments in the payment calendar in the app dashboard.
Show grouped auto-charging subscription widget in bundles
In bundles, created in Bundler - Product Bundles app, you can now show one grouped subscription widget for all products in the bundle, as long as they are all included in the same subscription rule, include all variants of each product and have the same subscription options.
Migration from PayPal is now available
You can now manually migrate subscribers from your previous subscription provider, if you used PayPal Express, Stripe or to process subscriptions payments.
Resend the initial subscription email to the customer
You can now resend the initial subscription email to any customer you wish. This can be done in Seal Subscriptions -> Subscriptions -> click on a subscription -> click "Resend new subscription email" button.
August 2021
Automatically update prices of products in subscriptions after you change them in your shop
This new functionality allows you to automatically sync product prices in auto-charging subscriptions a few minutes after you change the price of the original product in your shop.
More e-mail notifications
You can now send the customers a confirmation when they cancel, pause, resume or reactivate their subscription. You can also configure the system to send an email to the shop admin when a new subscription order is placed in your shop.
Apply subscription discounts on products that are added through customer portal
The Seal Subscriptions app can now apply subscription discounts on products that are being added to the subscription through the customer portal by customers. This functionality can be turned on in Seal Subscriptions ->Settings -> General Settings -> Customer portal.
Custom shipping profiles for auto-charging subscriptions
You can now create custom shipping profiles which allow you to apply special shipping rates for orders with an auto-charging subscription product. This allows you to give customers FREE shipping when they buy a subscription product.
Automatically recalculate the delivery cost of subscription
The Seal Subscriptions app is now capable of automatically recalculating and updating the delivery cost of your subscriptions after the subscription gets created, the customer removes/adds/edits products in the subscription, an automatic product swap occurs or the customer changes their shipping address.
Edit and set the day on which the customer should get charged for existing subscriptions
You can now edit the day of the week/month on which the customer gets charged on existing auto-charging subscriptions.
July 2021
Automated product swap
You can now set up an automatic product swap, which will automatically swap (remove, add) specific products from subscriptions based on conditions you set up.
Pause and resume subscriptions (in addition to cancel and reactivate)
You can turn on the option which allows your customers topause and resume their subscriptions in the customer portal. The button to pause the subscription will beshown next to the cancellation button.
See upcoming subscription renewals
You can now see the upcoming subscription renewals in Seal Subscriptions -> Susbcriptions -> click on Upcoming subscriptions.
Inventory forecasting
You can see the forecasted inventory for each product in subscriptions for the next 7 days, next 30 days and the next 60 days if all subscriptions get renewed successfully.
Filter subscriptions by failed payments
You can filter the subscriptions to only see those with a failed automatic charge. This can be see in Seal Subscriptions -> Susbcriptions -> click on With failed payment.
Filter subscriptions by pending payments
You can filter the subscriptions to only see those that have a pending recurring invoice payment. This can be see in Seal Subscriptions -> Susbcriptions -> click on With pending payment.
Show only paused subscriptions
You can turn on the filter to show only the paused subscriptions.
Show only cancelled subscriptions
You can turn on the filter to show only the cancelled subscriptions.
Set date and time format for customer portal
You can now select the desired date and time format for the customer portal and the subscriptions list page in your shop.
Show notes from initial order in customer portal
The app now saves the notes from the initial order for auto-charging subscriptions and shows them in the customer and admin portal.
Include the magic link in data sent to Klaviyo
You can now turn on the feature which will include and send the magic link in the data sent to Klaviyo. The magic link allows customers to access their subscription without being logged in. This can be turned on in Seal Subscriptions -> Setttings -> General Settings -> Klaviyo.
June 2021
Reschedule billing charges
You can now modify the billing schedule for auto-charging subscriptions. This means that you can manually set any date and time when you want to charge the customer.
Skip billing charge
The admin can skip a specific billing charge by opening the subscription in Seal Subscriptions -> Susbcriptions -> click on a subscription -> click on a Skip button next to the scheduled charge.
You can also turn on the feature which allows your customer to skip charges by themselves in the customer portal. This can eb turned on in Seal Subscriptions -> Settings -> General Settings.
Select the subscription option as the deafult value in auto-charging widgets
You can turn on the option to select the subscription as the default option in auto-charging subscription widgets. Similarily as to what you could already configure for the recurring invoices widgets.
Bulk import subscribers from other providers
You can now import your subscribers from another subscription provider in bulk, via the CSV file.
Change the subscription discount after a specific number of payments
The auto-charging subscription rules allow you to set/change the subscription discount after the initial order or after a specific number of payments. You can use this for cases where you want to reduce the discount after the initial order, increase the discount after a few payments, etc.
Configure the day of the week/month when the customers should get charged
You can now set the day of the week or month when you want to charge your customers. For example, you can set the app to charge your subscribers on 1st (or any other) day of the month.
Set the minimum required number of payments before the customers can cancel
You can now set the minimum required number of payments required before the customers can cancel their subscriptions. When using this option, make sure to inform the customer know about this requirement before they start a subscription.
Set the maximum allowed number of payments
After the customer reached the maximum allowed number of payments, the subscription will get cancelled automatically.
Start accepting pre-paid subscriptions
Auto-charging subscription rules now allow you to start accepting pre-paid subscriptions in your shop.